Monday 31 December 2007

New year, new me

Right - we've been quiet but that's because I've been ill and Sarah's been drunk. And ill. But it is new years eve and the training is going to start afresh very soon. I am a massive pudding again and a 4.5 mile run last night has left me with achy legs. Not good. But I'm relatively optimisitc and I'm even going to say wildly untrue things like "I'm going to run the Edinburgh Marathon in under 4 hours". So here we go:

I'm going to run the Edinburgh Marathon in under 4 hours. Yes I am. Just you watch.

In other news, hilarious tales of Singapore and Borneo where documented in the Holiday Diaries. Once I type these up, I'm probably upload them to me website for your enjoyment. So look out for tales of Mahoosive spiders and The Man That Loves His Job (TMTLHJ).

Peace out y'all

Greenie x