Wednesday 7 May 2008

Dance in the aisles when The Green steps to it.

Hello! Cherry Green here. Remember me? I used to write in this blog. So let me tell you what has been going on:

Sarah has become the first archaeologist in space. She is currently in acrimonious financial talks with NASA and has threatened to take a match to Jupiter.

Charlotte has evolved into a being of pure energy and now lives in the wiring of her house in South East London. She has also done lots of training and will run the Edinburgh Marathon in about half an hour. She also turned thirty and Sarah and I wrote a blisteringly bad poem about it. See below.

I have done my hamstring in. It turned out that the Serpentines track training did more than humiliate me in front of a lot of men with bums the size of a clenched fist. It also cost me the entire Edinburgh Marathon and several hundred pounds in physio. I’m on the mend now but still unable to run. Which is really quite annoying when you think about it.

Yesterday my physio told me that my muscles are “flaccid and wasted”. Which was nice of him. I wonder if I pay extra for the abuse.

That’s all for now until I think of something witty or amusing to say.
