Thursday 10 January 2008

And just what exactly are you looking at?

Well 2008 is underway and we are all seriously thinking about training for the Edinburgh Marathon. I’ve even been running a few times. Hannah is threatening us with the Serpentines Track Training. I don’t actually know what this is, but I am hoping it involves lying on a track with the eyes closed while nubile young men rub oils into you and feed you maltesers. However I suspect it is going to be more like running round and round in circles at gathering speeds, before finally collapsing and being sick over your hands. Hannah seems to think it’s going to hurt anyway.

My last attempt at a run was rather abortive and ended prematurely with me having a bit of a lie down on the pavement after falling down a big hole in the ground. Some serious injuries were incurred including a twisted ankle, a bit of grit embedded so deeply in my hand that it had to be removed by open hand surgery and a shattered pelvis.

Ok not the pelvis.

So let’s have another go tonight. I’m aiming for about 4.5 miles, maybe 5 if I feel superhuman.

Oh dear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just so you know, Chezza fell down again on her next running attempt. The January Vow Of Abstenance and Celebacy (ok, the latter bit was never going to stick) clearly isn't working - I think she was drunk in charge of her legs. Never good when they're as long as hers. Thus far she has a 100% falling down record in 2008. As to womens' fabled pain resilience by comparison to men? Pah! As the party performing the "open hand surgery", I should know. She squealed like a stuck pig as I expertly removed the microscopic grains of grit from the first layers of her dermis under a local anaesthetic (2 pints and a couple of large glasses of pinot).