Friday 30 November 2007

Chimpanzee that, MONKEY NEWS

Today we went to the zoo. Singapore zoo is ace. I have wanted to go for many a year cos the animals aren't in cages but surrounded by a ditch. Whilst at the zoo, we had a go at stopping the award winning toilets being award winning, rode an elephant, posed with orangutangs (looking slightly scared) and said cheeky monkey in a northern accent a lot. There were no spiders though, which disappointed me as I wanted to scare Cherry. Well there were two but they were tarantulas which are just like a small rodent really. Nothing scary there.

We avoided the animal shows for fear that the chimpanzees would be dressed up smoking cigars and generally being not monkeys but did pose with as many of the cheeky bottoms as possible. The baboons were particularly ace.

Then we came back to the apartment, had a swim and a long steam. At what temperature does a human die? We got to 40 degrees. That is very very hot.

Now it is time to hunt some food!!!

Singapore Slings


We've just flown into Singapore and boy are our arms tired!

It was a gruelling journey and one on which we learned many things. These include:

- Baileys tastse bad at 7am
- this doesn't stop anyone
- reading Take a Break gives you ugly children (it is important to hold it away from your ovaries, or to wear a lead pinny.
- Qatar is a dry and therefore dull airport
- People STARE at you in Qatar - probably cause they are so bored.
- birds don't exist
- except ducks
- always travel in a thong because if your luggage doesn't arrive you can wear it 6 ways (normal pants only 2)

So we arrived in Singapore and went out on the lash - this is good for jetlag apparently. What we've seen so far has been ace, I particularly liked the rooftop bar with views over the city.

Oh and we are so very tired.


Monday 26 November 2007

Holiday! Celebrate!


We are off to Singapore in less than 48 hours! I’ve had my tetanus jab which caused me to lose the use of one arm and both hemispheres of my brain. Still not long now, and thank goodness there is no more pesky running. My toenails have nearly all grown back now! That said, training will commence again in earnest on our return to the U of K so as not to revert back to pudding status.

Go us


Wednesday 21 November 2007

Never ever, bloody anything, ever again

This time next week Jones and I will be on our way to Singapore! A full 24 hours and a 6 hour stopover in Catarrh (I know) later and we will be emerging from the plane slightly rumpled and sporting black eyes and fingernail scratches as a result of driving each other bloody mad. After a few days in Singapore we are off to Kerching (I know again) in Borneo for a jungle adventure. Oh and I’m not running the marathon. I am worried about the heat. That and I found out how much the health insurance would be.

Mind you I wouldn’t be surprised if Singapore was the sort of place where they MAKE you run if you have entered.

However on our return we will surely post pictures of our adventures on this very blog, and there is no need to cry, because the blog will live on as we prepare for the Edinburgh marathon. This will be especially exciting as it will feature guest bloggers Hannah and Charlotte, and anyone else we can con into running with us. It will also feature a weekly spot from Sarah, “Creaky’s Corner” (Name up for debate) where she discusses the issues closest to her heart that week. It is very, very unlikely that any of these will involve running. Maybe we could also feature bare knuckle fighting from members of the public. But I just had that idea and it hasn't been properly processed yet.

That’s all for now folks. More later in the week.


A word from that massive lamer, Sarah

So, I stopped training and I REALLY stopped training. I haven't run since I decided that I wouldn't be doing the marathon. I am thinking that I need to do some exercise because I am eating a lots of pies at the moment. I may start cycling to work again. The downside to this is that it is really cold. I am also thinking of swimming, badminton and other fun things so I only have to run once a week.

Also, unlike other fools, I am not entering the Edinburgh marathon. I have seen how hilly it is!!

Tuesday 13 November 2007

Sarah is back! Yay


I'm back. Yes, it is me. The flaky non runner who has been hiding in Colorado. Colorado and more precisely Boulder. As I haven't been running let me update you on what I have been doing. I went to Boulder, Co for a conference on Education, but enough about work. I have been mainly ordering room service and getting beaten up by customs trying to leave. One of them wacked me round the face with a plastic tray. There is sort of a bruise and everything (it hasn't finished the initial painful lumpy phase yet. The bruise is to come). Ok, it wasn't deliberate but it still hurt. There was the whole fluttering of eyes wide with shock, slightly tear filled gazing with the facial expression of why? Why did you do that? Then I had to hunt down wine which I didn't feel guilty about drinking cos I ain't running a marathon anymore. Mwa ha ha

Friday 9 November 2007

Onwards to Edinburgh

Well supposedly I’m going to run 16 miles tonight, but I still have a poorly throat and don’t much fancy my chances. Still did 8 last night with relative ease.

In other news I have signed up for the Edinburgh Marathon in May 2008. Charlotte (The Kracken) and Hannah are doing it too and you know what this means?



Wednesday 7 November 2007

Poor little feet

Well I didn’t do 10 miles last night. I think I managed about 6. Looks like being ill has hammered my fitness more than I thought it would. Oh dear oh dear oh dear.

Still, the time has come to talk about my feet.

My feet are my favourite part of me, and they are absolutely perfect. No manky toenails, no hard skin, just perfect feet. Always impeccably pedicured and soft to the touch.

That was before the running.

Now my feet resembled the gnarled claws of a goblin with arthritis. They are calloused and have the texture of rhino hide.

Tuesday 6 November 2007

On feeling utterly dejected and unable to run

Well you are stuck with me again cause Sarah has gone gallivanting off to somewhere that I think might be Colorado for work. Right so I’m going to go running tonight, just for a change.

I’m going to do about 10 miles tonight. I’ve completely lost track of the schedule, so I’m just going to do what I feel like.

It’s all going wrong.

Monday 5 November 2007

And another thing

OK I always theorised that Katie Holmes might not be related to Shelock, what with marrying a gay dwarf and that whole Scientology bollocks, but really, for the love of all that is holy, when you are running a marathon you wear a bra!


And then there was one!

OK so I’m on me own. And I am rising to the challenge. I have spent the weekend psyching myself up, listening to The Eye of the Tiger and shadow boxing in my dressing gown. OK I haven’t. I’ve spent the weekend dying of tonsillitis and generally wracked with fear.

AIDS of the tonsils notwithstanding (one of my tonsils is bisexual) if I’m going to survive this race, I am going to have to start trying a lot harder. So from here on, no alcohol shall pass my lips until the 2nd December. That’s right, I’m only taking my booze rectally from now on. So in between sherry enemas, I shall be running immense distances and not going out. I shall also be drinking herbal tea, burning essential oils and washing my hair in waterfalls. I’m basically going to be no fun at all.

I’m also starting to freak out on a whole different level. Most of you probably know I am mortally afraid of spiders. Now Sarah has spun me some yarn about the all the spiders having been driven out of Borneo, like the snakes from Ireland (now that would be worth a sainthood). But I have dismissed this as malicious fancy, and did a google search for the words “Borneo”, “spider” and “massive”. It turns out that there are indeed TARANTULAS in Borneo and that they are largely arboreal. When Sarah announces out accommodation tomorrow, you will see why I am going to be sleeping with a cricket bat, a can of raid and a crucifix.


Captain Bumbag throws in the towel

And so I face, the final curtain

Alas, alack and similar terms. I am bowing out. I can't take the pace. After a long internal struggle I have decided not to run the full marathon in Singapore. I could list the numerous reasons but they would all just sound like excuses, which essentially they are. The bottom line is, I can't face the training. It is just too much. I shall have to find some other more reasonable challenge to try. (I might try for the half still though)

However, I do plan to keep blogging. And Cherry is still going to run (depending on how fast she can get over her tatty corpse illness). I will spend my words on telling you about what we are planning to do. So far, we are going to Singapore and arriving on Thursday lunchtime. I think that day will be dinner and bed. We have Friday and Saturday free and will do stuff including going to the very highly rated Singapore zoo. Sunday, Cherry dies, I clap and then there is some lounging by the pool. Monday is spent doing something Richard has organised for me birthday and then flying in the evening to Borneo. Haven't made the where we stay official yet but that can always be tomorrows blog....

ps I am happy again now I don't have to train and am just going on holiday!!!

Thursday 1 November 2007

Dear oh Dear

I’m letting Sarah come up with the next poll. So strap yourselves in for something along the lines of “Cherry is a…” and I shall joyously await being outed as gay on me own webspace.

In other news I have a new sports bra. I went past all the nice girly bras in M&S and quickly found the section filled with items made from Hessian, sack cloth and parachute harnesses. I’m going to test drive it tonight, but hopefully it wont rip my skin off like my other ones do.

I now have more running bras than nice bras.
