Friday 30 November 2007

Singapore Slings


We've just flown into Singapore and boy are our arms tired!

It was a gruelling journey and one on which we learned many things. These include:

- Baileys tastse bad at 7am
- this doesn't stop anyone
- reading Take a Break gives you ugly children (it is important to hold it away from your ovaries, or to wear a lead pinny.
- Qatar is a dry and therefore dull airport
- People STARE at you in Qatar - probably cause they are so bored.
- birds don't exist
- except ducks
- always travel in a thong because if your luggage doesn't arrive you can wear it 6 ways (normal pants only 2)

So we arrived in Singapore and went out on the lash - this is good for jetlag apparently. What we've seen so far has been ace, I particularly liked the rooftop bar with views over the city.

Oh and we are so very tired.



Anonymous said...

Your luggage arrived though, yeah?

Chez-and-Saz said...

Our luggage followed us the whole way! I am always pleasantly surprised to see my luggage when it turns up on the carousel!