Thursday 26 July 2007

We can't have hit the wall already - from Saz

This is a poor motivation day. I can't be bothered to work, breathe, let alone run but run I must. There is 2.5 miles of road out there that wants me to pound lightly on its face. That combined with the three clothing changes before work as the first two made me look genuinely pregnant have to motivate me. Oh and I have already eaten about 4000 calories in preparation. Well, I need the energy.

Yesterday was a jolly 3 miler. Not too far but far enough for my legs to rebel when going up or down stairs. Whilst running and about a mile in, I did think "this is getting easier I could run forever" but it only lasted to the next up hill section. Round the corner, the world starting going black round the edges and a geezer in robes with scythe decoration kept crossing my path. I wonder at what point it all stops hurting quite so badly. This isn't my first marathon but my overriding memory of the last one was the crippling stomach aches and need for a loo when running more than anything else. I don't remember this pain. Perhaps it is my age. The last marathon was in my mid twenties rather than thundering towards THE milestone.

Total Milometer: 13 miles

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