Wednesday 26 September 2007

Bah and also Humbug

Well, I know someone who didn’t run last night.

What shall we talk about instead?

Tuesday 25 September 2007

Lasty's last stand


Well Creaky is off in the wilds of Devon for the week. I’m sure she won’t mind me telling you that she turns 30 on Saturday. I’m sure she also won’t mind me saying that that makes her the oldest person in the entire universe, where as I at 29, am a vision of youthful nubility by comparison. There is light reaching us from the Andromeda Galaxy that isn’t as old as her.

Still on with the point. Running is boring the arse off me. There are still months and months of it to go and my schedule is looking at me with its eyebrows raised and suggesting I do 8 miles tonight. Here is the rub though:

I. Cannot. Be. Bothered.

Still, I suppose I don’t have much of a choice if I don’t want to die in Singapore.

In other news, Sarah did her Monkey run at the weekend, I couldn’t attend cause I was wildly hungover because a Monkey tipped a load of gin down my throat the night before.

Still onwards and upwards. Or at least not any more backwards and downwards. Siiggh

Friday 21 September 2007

The Day After the Run

How I feel after running through Peckham
I hurt today. As Lasty mentioned, we ran a long long way yesterday. I did 12.5 and thought about pushing on to the half marathon point but just couldn't face running passed the bottom of my road and away from warmth, water and feeling in my legs. Today I have 4 friction burns. The shorts burn is a new one. Rubbed me raw straight across my back. Makes sitting down a joy. Thankfully my shoulder injury was fine. A little stiff today but the pain in my knees is drowning that out. My legs don't bend today. Me knees pop when I walk up and down stairs. I think this is a punishment for laughing at Charlotte when she ran a half marathon competitively and couldn't move the next day when we saw her in the pub.

In other news, me and Lasty have entered a half marathon at the end of October. This is to make sure that we are still training and focussed. And can run 13 miles.

My brother has suggested training in cling film to get used to the humidity in Singapore. Maybe I will!

Experiencing pain on a par with the 6th level of hell.

Walky and Lasty

Yesterday Sarah – sorry, Creaky and I went out on a long long run. I think I covered about 11 miles in total before having to call it a night when one of my hips went a bit dodgy. Today everything hurts like hell. How can this running lark be good for you, I never felt this bad in the morning after a night on the vino! I’m starting to feel genuinely terrified that I might not make it round the course. 11 miles nearly killed me and that’s not even half!

In other news, can anyone who is out on the pavement in the evenings kindly get the hell out of the way. Once you’ve covered about 7 miles it is really hard to start and stop because your legs are working independently of your brain. So for information:
- You don’t need to take up the whole pavement with your arms and legs swinging about willy nilly. Pick a side of the pavement and stick to it or I will run you over.
- If you see me approaching at a run, get out of the way. Don’t stand there dithering or ignoring me or BY GOD I WILL RUN YOU OVER.

So there we go, and today’s post includes a lovely picture of me and Sarah.

Thursday 20 September 2007

More on the Walky debate

Right. Walky is a rubbish nickname. When we discussing our cool new nicknames I way preferred to be known as Creaky. Creaky is great. It suggests the way I move at the moment perfectly. It also describes how I feel after I have finished running. But no, Lasty tries to make me be called Walky. I sound just enough like a Chuck Norris character to feel uncomfortable and slightly soiled (like Lasty's pants when I have finished kicking her arse).
A Vote Creaky for Creaky is a vote for inflexible people everywhere.....
(Like anyone else cares.)

Walky or Creaky

Apparently Sarah doesn't want to be called Walky, she wants to be called Creaky instead.

Sounds like I should try and get the poll feature on this site working... it will be like naming a Blue Peter pet (except we wont fix the results)!

Lasty x

Cool nicknames

It’s not been a great week for marathon training it has to be said. Sarah has done her shoulder in and has been off school, and I hurt my back, had a sore throat, PMT and an incident on Sunday involving me, some gravity and a large hole in the ground.

But still, we are going to attempt to run tonight. I’ve decided to give us cool, tough, marathon nicknames to inspire us towards greatness. Gone are Sarah and Cherry, and here are Walky and Lasty.

Genius eh?

Lasty x

Friday 14 September 2007

Sarah. Friend of Monkeys

Hello readers (or should that be Reader?),

To warm up for our marathon, Sarah is taking part in the Great Gorilla Run to raise money for Gorillas, who need it to buy bananas, tea sets and tyres. For added effect she will be running the 4K dressed as a gorilla.
Loads of gorillas are having a really bad time. They are being needlessly killed for meat and the pet trade (I should know, I killed 2 on the way to work this morning). Plus they have bugger all habitat left and are highly endangered.
Please please please sponsor her. It is in a good cause. Plus check out the suit - how cool is that?

Please, think of the monkeys.

Fangs a lot.

Wednesday 12 September 2007

Day off - wooooo!

Today is a rest day and me and Sarah are going OUT!

We are going to Belgo’s to eat mussels and drink too much. It’s all going to end in sick!

Tuesday 11 September 2007

Ah to Blog

It is about week 7 of training and I think we are one week off being half way through. This is scary but then I think I am a lot fitter than I was 7 weeks ago so perhaps it will all be fine. A new development over the weekend was the gift of a Garmin from my sister. It is her old one. It is a computer that tells you how fast / far and for how long you have been going. This is good because it means I can run any course I like. It is bad because you are very, very conscious of how far you have run and how slowly. And the calories. I can't believe the calorie counter. Apparently yesterdays 5 miler only burnt 147 calories. Surely not. It must have burnt at least 25,000. It felt like it anyway. Honestly. Bah. Well, I shall try it again today and see if I use more. (147! 147! Surely you use more than that just being asleep!)

The training is now definitely affecting my life. There is a lot less booze (a good thing), a lot more running (not so sure that is a good thing) and a lot more feeling tired (a bad thing). Right now, I feel like I need a week off just to sleep. I slept all yesterday on my day off and I still don't think I have caught up on my tiredness yet. Sigh. Yawn. ZzzzzZZZZZzzzzzz

Marathon news:

OK well Charlotte’s wedding went off without a hitch and me and Jones fitted into our dresses, much to our combined surprise. I caught the bouquet, but not before Sarah’s fingers had closed around it, and during my gloating victory dance I realised all Charlotte and Chris’s relatives were staring at me. Ah well.

In other news in an attempt to improve my diet, I am cutting out sugar, unfortunately I am replacing it with pork pies. But no one is perfect….

Wednesday 5 September 2007

Sarah has given up caffeine for some reason...

I am officially dead.
I have done my training for the past two days and it has been fine. My legs can keep going. The problems this week have arisen from my attempt to detox prior to Charlottes wedding. Apparently caffeine is important to my diet. I can't keep my eyes open. I am depressed. I have headaches. This can't be right can it? Surely I am not that dependent. Thankfully the effects were only just kicking in yesterday so I didn't have to worry about the training. I just made it round. If I was supposed to be running today, I would be in big trouble. The only thought I can keep in my head longer than 30 seconds is BED. BED. BED. Scary. Anyway, I have had enough of this purgatory and I am off to find a double dose of caffeine in my lunch break. My God, who would have thought I was so addicted.

Monday 3 September 2007

Bad girl

Yes we did we booked our flights. However I (Cherry) did not run 18 miles last week. I think I ran about 8. This was due to an injured quad at the beginning of the week and a personal crisis at the end of it. Still, maybe will do better this week.

Yesderday I managed a 2 hour run. Not sure how far I went though - probably about 2 miles as I'm sure at one point I was going slower than walking pace.

Ah well...

Another week another ton of miles

Today we booked our flights. Yes, it is all now real and the truth must be acknowledged. We really are totally insane. Having watched the women's world championship marathon on Saturday, I know a little more about what we have let ourselves in for. They were running in 36 degree heat. We will be running in about 30. That is hot. That is the type of weather where you normally just hang around in the house, eating ice cream and not moving too much. Never mind running 26 bleeding miles. We need our heads read. Oh well, too late now. I am sure those professionals were just putting it on and were a bit weedy hence the near collapse.

In other news, I also got the date of the marathon wrong. It is a week earlier than I had thought. That means a week less training. Oh bugger. I'm sure that we will cope with slightly less running. I say running, it is more a gentle walk with a few more hops in it.

Last week I ran 18 miles. That isn't even the minimum number of miles that should have been run. Minimum was 21. The week before I ran 22 so I don't think I'll worry too much. This week is going to be tricky cos Charlotte gets married on Saturday and we are spending all day Friday with her. Apparently running nine miles does not feature in the plans for the day so I shall have to do some clever shuffling. Sigh. There is always something.