Monday 3 September 2007

Another week another ton of miles

Today we booked our flights. Yes, it is all now real and the truth must be acknowledged. We really are totally insane. Having watched the women's world championship marathon on Saturday, I know a little more about what we have let ourselves in for. They were running in 36 degree heat. We will be running in about 30. That is hot. That is the type of weather where you normally just hang around in the house, eating ice cream and not moving too much. Never mind running 26 bleeding miles. We need our heads read. Oh well, too late now. I am sure those professionals were just putting it on and were a bit weedy hence the near collapse.

In other news, I also got the date of the marathon wrong. It is a week earlier than I had thought. That means a week less training. Oh bugger. I'm sure that we will cope with slightly less running. I say running, it is more a gentle walk with a few more hops in it.

Last week I ran 18 miles. That isn't even the minimum number of miles that should have been run. Minimum was 21. The week before I ran 22 so I don't think I'll worry too much. This week is going to be tricky cos Charlotte gets married on Saturday and we are spending all day Friday with her. Apparently running nine miles does not feature in the plans for the day so I shall have to do some clever shuffling. Sigh. There is always something.

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