Friday 21 September 2007

Experiencing pain on a par with the 6th level of hell.

Walky and Lasty

Yesterday Sarah – sorry, Creaky and I went out on a long long run. I think I covered about 11 miles in total before having to call it a night when one of my hips went a bit dodgy. Today everything hurts like hell. How can this running lark be good for you, I never felt this bad in the morning after a night on the vino! I’m starting to feel genuinely terrified that I might not make it round the course. 11 miles nearly killed me and that’s not even half!

In other news, can anyone who is out on the pavement in the evenings kindly get the hell out of the way. Once you’ve covered about 7 miles it is really hard to start and stop because your legs are working independently of your brain. So for information:
- You don’t need to take up the whole pavement with your arms and legs swinging about willy nilly. Pick a side of the pavement and stick to it or I will run you over.
- If you see me approaching at a run, get out of the way. Don’t stand there dithering or ignoring me or BY GOD I WILL RUN YOU OVER.

So there we go, and today’s post includes a lovely picture of me and Sarah.

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