Wednesday 22 August 2007

David Ike rides a bike.

So were are what? Four weeks in, and we haven’t given up yet. Not bad eh? Sure not every run has been run, there has been walking and there has been slacking off, but nonetheless we are still going. But as of next week, the runs get longer and its going to take some fastidious organising in order to be able to fit everything into each 24 hour period. Something has to go and I suspect the old social life will be the first casualty. It’s already been over a week since Sarah and I went to the pub together. That is some kind of record and Norris McQuirter should be dug up and informed.

Tonight I am doing 4 miles. Not too bad. I can run 4 miles with my eyes shut (so long as I don’t have to cross any busy roads) but when you have to do 4 or 5 times a week, it gets really tired. I’m bored of all the music on my MP3 player. ‘John Kettley is a Weatherman’ is a GREAT song, but alas I have heard it one too many times. An Ipod Shuffle is only £49, maybe I should invest. Or maybe I should spend that money on a pair of trainers that don’t rip my toenails off.

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