Wednesday 22 August 2007

Twas on a Tuesday morning, when I beheld me bed

Yesterday, after enormous internal turmoil I managed to force my unco-operating body out the door. My mind was all for the run but my body was hanging onto the door frame by its finger tips yelling no no, let me die in peace. So five miles, some "whoa darling"'s and a brief shower later, I made it home. There, I had to do circuits. Now I remember circuits from when my brother did them. They really hurt him. This didn't overly appeal so I did a gentle version. I did all the exercises twice and timed doing them according to what the book said but I cheated. I had breathers in-between. Not sure why being out of breathe is so important. Perhaps someone else can let me know what I missed by doing it all a little slower.

(managed to do a real Freudian slip when typing this. My bed was hanging onto the door frame. Shows that I am very tired. Anything for a bed. A bed, a bed, my running kit for a bed)

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