Thursday 4 October 2007

And Sarah uses the word "smeg"

No running yesterday as it was a day off. Today, now that is a different matter. I am supposed to be running 14 miles. The distance itself doesn't bother me unduly (weird if you think how recently I couldn't run at all) What bothers me is the time. I will get in about 6.25 and have a small energy snack (a chocolate brownie) get changed and be out the door about 6.45. Then I will run and run and run. By the time I get back it will be 9.15. Then I have to shower and change and flake for about 10 minutes to get some energy back. That takes me clearly to 9.45. When the smeg am I supposed to eat my dinner?!?! Everyone knows that you aren't supposed to eat that late! My running book recommends that you don't eat late. I work. I sleep. I want to eat too but it seems that is the thing that will have to go due to lack of time!

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