Thursday 25 October 2007

I think it's time we talked about Uri Geller

Well guess what I’m going to be doing tonight. Yep. Running. But I’m sick to dashed hell of writing about running, so instead I’m going to put out a little plea to the blog followers. Both of you.

Someone intimated to me this week that I may have rather too much spare time on my hands, and while I unequivocally insist that this isn’t the case, I have spent this week trying to wind up Uri Geller.

Uri Gellar is a worker of the dark arts and a greater threat to all that is good and true than JK Rowling. As such we should all send him prank emails!
Remember though, being the most powerful psychic known to man, Uri will know what we are up to if we think about it too hard. So remember to try and not think much while you are doing it. I’ve found this adds to the outcome. Here is one of the emails I have sent Uri Gellar in the last week.

Dear Uri,

I think that I am your biggest fan ever. I have pictures of you in every room. I don't have that many rooms, but if I did, I would fill them with pictures of you!

I also have seen nearly all your TV appearances and can report the following strange phenomenon:
1) Once you were on TV and you asked people to put their watches on the TV and see if any thing happened. I put an old nurses watch my mum gave me on the TV. It didn't work before hand, and afterwards it didn't work either. What must have happened is that your psychic brainwaves must have mended it, but been so strong that they actually broke it again! Wow!
2) When you were on I'm A Celebrity I was totally cured of a headache! It came back when the series ended though.

What am I saying? You probably already know this being a psychic! Anyway I would love your signature, would you be able to sign a fork for me?

Your biggest fan


It all started when I made myself giggle at the idea of complaining to Uri that he wasn’t replying to the mental messages I was sending him. I knew I was sending them out because Derek Acorah rang me up and asked me to keep the noise down.

So please join me in winding up this grinning man-tard and tell me tales of your Uri Baiting.

Thanks kids.

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