Friday 26 October 2007

Look who's hauled her moth-eaten corpse into work today!

Oh dear me. I haven't run for over a week. That is bad, bad, bad (gently rocking in my work swivel chair). I solemnly swear that I will run on Saturday a distance of 5 miles and then on Sunday, a distance of 18 miles. That will help my conscience. If I don't then please poke me in the eye with something sharp. In my defence, I have been ill and sickly thus could not run. Unfortunately the gods that rule the marathon aren't going to shorten the distance just cos I was a bit poorly one week during training.

My sister told me to hurry up and write some funny things like Cherry. I think I may have been insulted. And she nagged me earlier about not training enough. Ok she has a point but honestly, I'm 30 and not my brother who is useless when it comes to training for things, as he well knows! I shall give a one fingered salute in her general direction when I trot round 18 on Sunday. More likely I will frown my eyebrows because nothing else works but you get the point.

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