Friday 12 October 2007

Friday and Sarah is glad

I have noticed that I have been a bit whiney of late. I shall try and be happier today. I am in fact happy. Happy but in pain. Yesterday I ran a colossal 16.16 miles. Yes, that's right 16.16 miles. That is only 9.44 miles short of a whole marathon. I feel better for not having trained in a week now. Admittedly my legs are not very happy and while I solved one friction burn through surgical tape and cotton wool, my body got its revenge with some others. The best two are just below my bottom cheeks. My jeans are rubbing them nicely as I walk so I am walking in the manner that Tina Turner dances. There are some fun ones in my right armpit area too. That meant this mornings deodorant application was followed by a war dance but silently, so as not to wake Jon.

I am still very tired but had to get up early this morning to pack as I'm off for the weekend. I would have done it last night but on return from my run I had trouble moving from the sofa of joy and comfort where I was happily watching A Knights Tale. Good film. I recommend it. No training until Sunday for me now. Yippee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Phew, no one noticed that I can't do maths on this post!!