Thursday 11 October 2007

On not wanting to run tonight

Cherry says

Well there has been some slackness on the running front. Sarah has been going out every night like the Bobby Razzler she is and I have just not been running. This means it’s going to be a long one tonight, which we are all delighted about. Some viscous lies about running 14 miles tonight have been put out into the Cosmos, but we shall have to wait and see. Bah.

Sarah says

I haven't run in a week. I am supposed to go out and do a long one tonight but there is the chance for shopping to add to the torment. I will be good and will go home and run but I am knackered. So knackered I could probably cry very easily at someone if they just said the wrong thing in that totally unreasonable girl way. 14 miles, here I come. Yayyyy (that was a very sarcastic yay in my head). Maybe it is time for a snooze in the first aid room. No one will notice.

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