Friday 19 October 2007

Sarah does some running!

It is a week since I last blogged but then again, it was also a week between runs. Yes, last night found me pounding the streets for another 16 miler. It hurt but it wasn't as bad as the week before. I can still walk downstairs. It is also lovely confidence booster. Yes, I can run for ages and ages and not die kind of boost. Especially after my poor show on running this week. On Monday I had a day off due to being tired from the weekend (or rather a series of weekends) and running on your day off is just wrong. Tuesday I had an unexpected drink with a friend before they went back off to the other side of the world for at leasst 6 months and wednsday I had PMT which made me go to sleep. As PMT always does to me.

Nothing amusing happened on last night run. Nothing unusual or interesting. It was in fact very boring but to talk about and at the time. Next week I plan to do an 18 miler. That will really hurt too. Still, soon all this fun and games will be over. Now why haven't I lost as much weight as last time I ran a marathon. Hummmm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why not rename the blog, Drinking Like Bastards?